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Pitra Dosha Astrology Calculators

Writer's picture: Saurabh UpadhyaySaurabh Upadhyay

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

Pitra Dosha, often interpreted as the wrath of forefathers, is a karmic debt of the forefathers. The Pira dosha can make one's life miserable, bringing several harmful effects mentioned later in this write-up. How do we know whether we have a Pitra Dosha or not? One can use the Pitra Dosha Astrology Calculator or may visit an astrologer to get the answer.

One can identify Pitra Dosha's presence in Kundli through specific malefic planetary placements. When our ancestors perform any sin or something unforgiving, we tend to have to repay that under the malefic effect of Pitra Dosha. In a way, the native becomes accountable for the misdeeds of his ancestors.

The primary effect of Pitra Dosha is the short longevity of the male members in the family. If you see any family with male members meeting a sudden death or a death through illness at an early age, then that family is under the influence of Pitra Dosha. It is surprising that if one person in the family has Pitra Dosha in the Kundli, most likely all the family members have it in their kundli. Sometimes, you find it even in the charts of the close relatives of that family.

Other effects of Pitra Dosha include:

  • No male child gets born in the family to carry forward the lineage in the family

  • Frequent abortions

  • Children don't show interest in marriage or have severe problems getting married

  • Disinterest in the materialistic world and its activities

  • Children may have physical or mental disabilities

  • Bad health and lung diseases in the family

  • Misfortunes and scarcity follow everywhere

  • Uncontrollable expenses on diseases, loans, and others

  • Frequent fights and arguments in the family

  • Huge debts and burden of other borrowings

  • Losses, failures, and lack of adequate resources

  • Loss of respect and reputation

  • Imprisonment

  • The sudden and untimely death

If a family suffers from Pitra Dosha, then as an indication, any family member may see a snake or the ancestor demanding food or clothes in dreams.

What sins may cause Pitra Dosha?

  • Cruelty against living beings, both physically and mentally

  • Stealing, snatching, or deceiving someone for their belongings

  • Accumulating wealth through wrong and illicit means

  • Not paying dues for taking services from others

  • Misusing the power and skills of own or others

  • Accusing people without fault or speaking ill about them

Planetary positions to form Pitra Dosha

The Pitra Dosha Calculators may instantly calculate the presence of the Dosha in your horoscope. The Planets/Houses to signify Pitra Dosha are-

SUN- The Sun signifies father/fatherly figures and ancestors

MOON-The Moon signifies the mother and a person's mind.

SATURN- It shows debts, sins, and difficulties in life

The 9th House- It is the house of forefathers

The 2nd House- It shows the family a person takes birth.

A person gets afflicted with Pitra Dosha if, in his horoscope, the 9th house or its lord is associated with sinful planets. There may be a conjunction or aspect of the malefic planets on the 9th house or its lord. Here, Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn come under the domain of sinful planets. These three are karmic planets, too, making us realize the fruits of our past deeds.

If the Sun and Jupiter in the horoscope are also in conjunction or aspect of Rahu or Ketu, it also forms Pitra dosha.

Sun is present with Rahu or Saturn in the birth chart's 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th houses, creating Pitra Dosha.

Rahu is the ascendant and the ascendant lord in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house; in that case, also,

Pitra Dosha forms in the birth chart.

The trik houses lords; if they make connections with an already formed Pitra Dosha in the birth chart, the person faces severe results of the Dosha in that situation.

Effective remedies of Pitra Dosha

The person should serve, donate and feed the Brahmins.

Perform Pitra Tarpan on Sankranti or Amavasya, if its Sunday.

Perform Pitra Dosh Nivaran puja with the help of some learned priests.

The person should perform Shradh dedicatedly and, at the same time, remember and show respect to the ancestors.

Offering water to the Banyan tree and on Shivalinga further reduces the negative effects of Pitra Dosha in the horoscope.

Make it a practice to feed Brahmins on Amavasya and help poor and needy people on this day.

Serve your parents and elderly people selflessly.

Worshiping Lord Vishnu in the form of Lord Rama is also very effective.



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