Are you scared of Kaal sarp Dosha? Need help determining its formation in your horoscope? Use Kaal sarp dosha calculators to determine the presence of dosha in your horoscope in a few seconds. Kaal sarp dosha is one of the known dreaded doshas in Astrology. You often find astrologers blaming Kaal sarp dosha for not achieving desired results in life. The dosha causes miseries and obstacles in life. Kaal sarp dosha is formed by the nodes Rahu and Ketu in a person's birth chart.
What is Kaal Sarp Dosha in kundli?
The Kaal sarp dosha results from the evil deeds in past lives. The dosha indicates a curse related to the house of its formation in the birth chart. The person fails to derive happiness from the house; it gets formed in the horoscope. It is of 12 types bringing varied results in the person's life.
One may visit an astrologer for horoscope analysis to understand its effect on a person's life. The dosha creates worries about children, health, home, and family. The person goes through financial crunches and remains unstable and restless. He often experiences bad dreams which may turn true sometimes.
The Kaal Sarp Dosha is related to Rahu and Ketu. These nodes are the karmic planets that make the native bear the fruits of his deeds through miseries and sufferings in life.
Before talking about the formation of Kaal sarp dosha in astrological terms, Let's understand the general symptoms of Kaal sarp dosha.
General symptoms of Kaal sarp dosha
The general symptoms of Kaal sarp dosha include poor eyesight, frequent illness, substantial medical bills with frequent hospital visits, and disappointments when you feel you are close to success. People with Kaal sarp dosha in their kundli often see the deceased and snakes in their dreams.
The native remains under mental pressure most of the time. Along with seeing recently departed people in their dreams, they may go through near-death experiences. The dosha creates dissatisfaction and sadness inside the person. He may have all the comforts in life but not derive pleasure from it. He remains sad most of the time.
Due to the influence of nodes, they have to undergo sudden and unfortunate events in life. The person does not get the reason for his unhappiness. Diseases and health issues may follow such people everywhere. They fear for no reason and often fail just close to completion or success.
How does Kaal sarp dosha form in the horoscope?
There are nine planets, including Rahu and Ketu, in Astrology. When all the planets come between the axis of Rahu-Ketu, the person gets afflicted with Kaal Sarp Dosha. Now, it is essential to know whether the planets are between the axis of Rahu-Ketu or Ketu-Rahu, as this will bring a difference in the results.
One may use the Kaal sarp dosha calculator to know its presence in the kundli. But to understand the actual effects, one should contact an astrologer. Sometimes, it may not bring as bad results as expected, and the person needs not to fear.
Depending upon their presence, it can be termed as a strong or fragile. A strong dosha makes life more troublesome, while a fragile one grants some relief. There are 12 types of Kaal Sarp Doshas for e.g., Anant Kaal Sarp Dosha, Kulik Kaal Sarp Dosha, Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosha, etc. Rahu is called Kaal in astrology. It is the head/mouth, and Ketu is the tale of a snake.
In case even one planet comes out of the Rahu-Ketu axis, the dosha reduces its inauspiciousness by 40%. In that case, the person will only get 60% of the malefic effects of the Kaal sarp dosha. The dosha makes the native take a rebirth to fulfill his desires and thus makes him get stuck in the cycle of birth-death-rebirth.
Effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh
The Kaal Sarp Dosha usually has bad effects on an individual's life. No matter how diligent a person is, he always faces fears and obstacles in giving his best performance due to the effect of Kaal Sarp Dosha. If the dosha is very strong, the person has to face life-long restrictions in life. It may be long imprisonment or diseases making the person bedridden for most of his life.
They may not attract fortunes and success easily. They get harmed with evil eyes and negative vibes easily. Kaal Sarp Yoga will have serious implications on the career and personal life of a person.
Kaal Sarp Dosha invites several painful consequences in a person's life. The Kaal sarp dosha shows its effects through its presence in the first and seventh houses. Here, Rahu mainly resides in the ascendant. There may be a divorce, separation or even loss of a spouse due to its effect. There is a lack of mutual harmony in the relationship, and the couple never comes to a unanimous decision in life.
General remedies for Kaal Sarp Dosha
A person can save himself from the bad effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha by following these remedies:
Worship Lord Shiva. He is the one to control snakes, as can be seen in snakes engulfing his neck.
Chant Shiva stotra or Maha Mrutyunjay Mantra daily.
Chant 'Om Namah Shivaya' one rosary daily.
Worship Lord Vishnu and chant Vishnu Sahasranama.
One may observe fasts on Mondays.
Refrain from harming animals, especially snakes.
Perform Rudra-Abhishekam of Shivlinga on Mondays.
Float a coconut in the river or running water on Saturdays.
Perform Shanti Patha and worship for navgrah Shanti.
Offer small idols of naag (male and female) at the shiva linga.
Observe Nag Panchami fast to mitigate the adverse effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha.