Mathematics might scare most of us, but it's exciting to know that numbers may change our lives!
We often hear about the wonders of astrology, but the twin sister of Astrology, i.e., Numerology, is no less impressive. The best numerology calculator helps you know about your lucky number. We bet the suggested number would have a prominent place in your life.
Everything that surrounds us has a numerical value. Just like Astrology, Numerology also works on energies. The numerology astrology calculator signifies the most important energy you correspond. The energy represented by the number is capable enough to make or mar your life.
The language of numbers reveals a lot about you. Just like Astrology, where you get information about your life events, Numerology also gives valuable information about your life.
Numbers to make you go Lucky!
There are many important numbers like life path numbers, destiny numbers, expression numbers, heart's desire numbers, etc. These numbers help you choose the right path to success and prosperity.
Numerology calculator by date of birth gives you deep insights about life. You will be able to understand why a particular problem follows you everywhere. We can't deny the fact that wherever we go, energy follows. And Numerology works on the ideology that the universe can be broken into basic elements called numbers. So, in this sense, everything is only a number.
Like planets, every number has a meaning that helps us understand our personality and purpose in life. They help to solve all queries related to your life.
There is something more about your name.
It may sound fanatic, but our name was pre-decided by the universe before it was given to us by our parents or relatives. Just like the birth chart records the deeds of past lives, an individual's name also contains the past's influence. You must have noticed many people reaching heights of success in their careers by making minor changes in the spelling of their names. How does this happen?
If we keep a name as per the numerology calculator, we tend to activate specific energies that work in our favor. It is all a matter of balancing energies; we do the same in Astrology, Vastu Shastra, and every other healing science. When a person chooses a name that adds up to a number favorable for that person, he attracts positive energy and success.
Alphabets have numerical values. Numerologists balance the favorable energies for us by suggesting a name that consists of that positivity. A name helps to activate certain energies in the universe; these energies in return, bless our lives with abundance.
Your birth date has a larger impact on your life. There is a reason why you were born on your specific birth date. In astrology, your date of birth gives you unique planetary placement, and in Numerology, you get a set of specific numbers. Your birth date has certain numbers, which are responsible for whatever you get in this life.
Your personality, the people you meet, your family, colleagues, life partner, and all life-event are the contributions of your birth date only. Your birth date and its proper alignment with your surroundings invite good and bad events in your life.
Name suggestion by Numerology.
Name suggestion by Numerology is a great tool to succeed in life. In astrology, we take the initials of the nakshatra pada, and a person is born to attract the blessings of the planets for them. In the same way, the right name containing the suitable alphabet to give a favorable sum of numbers attract prosperity in life. The name is essential; however, it is pre-determined by the universe and automatically comes to you. But the spellings must be right to contain a benefic numerical value for your life.
Not just the individual's name, but if you keep the name of your business as per Numerology, your business will prosper like never before. Keeping the business name as per Numerology ensures its success.
Numerology for Marriage
Numerology helps to find how specific numbers found in the lives of two individuals will interact and cooperate.
Numerology for business
Numerology will suggest the days to sign contracts, start a business venture, invest, plan projects, or recruit. Some months and years can be better than others giving you the best results. Numerology helps to identify the favorable days, months, and years to make crucial decisions. Every day, week, month, and the year has specific numbers giving it unique energy. This energy helps to get good or bad results.
Understanding numbers through Numerology will help to gain valuable insight into our personality. It serves as the best guide, and the wisdom of numbers can take us to self-discovery and enlightenment.